Register for a chance to win cash prizes during Student Research Days

Bring your research or creative work to Student Research Days to build your presentation skills and for a chance to win a cash prize. From April 11-12, graduate students will share their scholarship and creative activity with the campus and Lincoln commun
Bring your research or creative work to Student Research Days to build your presentation skills and for a chance to win a cash prize. From April 11-12, graduate students will share their scholarship and creative activity with the campus and Lincoln commun

Registration Deadline: March 11, 2022

The Office of Graduate Studies, Undergraduate Research, and the Office of Research and Economic Development will host Student Research Days from April 11-12, 2022.

This is a great opportunity for students to present research or creative work on campus. Students in all departments are invited to register to present your research or creative work. Not only is this a great way to practice your presentation skills and gain a presentation you can list on your CV, but we will also have $400 presentation awards for top presenters.

Most students will present work through research posters, but students can also propose alternative presentation methods (e.g. art displays, electronic posters, etc.). Engineering and the Physical Sciences will present Monday, April 11. All other disciplines will present on Tuesday, April 12. Both days graduate posters will be presented from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

If you are interested but have a conflict or question, then please contact to see if there is an appropriate accommodation that can be provided. With the goal of having students feel comfortable presenting in this environment, masks and adequate spacing between presenters will be encouraged.

Register by March 11.

Please contact Lisa Rohde at with any questions. We are very excited to see all the great research and creative work being done on campus!