We are offering a course for graduate students who want to use Rural Poll data to create publishable-quality work. We will review our survey methods and explore topics related to rural life in Nebraska to support multidisciplinary, social science research. Within the course, students will propose projects, conduct data analysis (with the support of two faculty), and create a poster and publishable manuscript. The Rural Poll has served to amplify the voice of rural Nebraska for 27 years. As such, we have covered over 100 different topics (e.g., housing, healthcare, trust, immigration, work, and community satisfaction; review all the topics by visiting our website). The class is offered in the Spring 2024 semester, on Thursdays from 11am-1:50pm. Students can attend class on East Campus or via Zoom. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the instructors: L.J. McElravy (lj.mcelravy@unl.edu) & Heather Akin (heather.akin@unl.edu).
More details at: https://ruralpoll.unl.edu/