Register for Orientation for New Teaching Assistants

Register for Orientation for New Teaching Assistants
Register for Orientation for New Teaching Assistants

On August 20, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Office of Graduate Studies will host an orientation for new Teaching Assistants. This is open to TAs in all fields and intended to be an introduction to teaching policies and practices.

The event will be held in person in the City Campus Union. In addition to general sessions on policies and teaching resources, three main workshops for TAs focusing on the following topics will be available:

-Grading and Assessment
-Preparing Lesson Plans or Class Activities
-Understanding Students' Needs and Establishing Rapport

There will also be a panel of experienced TAs on Zoom later in the day. All registrants will have access to Canvas modules with additional resources for TAs. Events for more experienced TAs will be announced in the following weeks.

Please register to attend the New TA Orientation no later than August 5. Contact Lisa Rohde at with any questions.

Register here: