Register Now for Upcoming Workshops

Register now for upcoming workshops
Register now for upcoming workshops

Graduate Studies offers several workshops to support your success as a UNL student. Check out the available workshops and get registered.

Teaching Statements
September 18, 2024 | 12-1 pm | Zoom
Register here

Teaching Statements are a major component of faculty job applications. Teaching statements help hiring committees understand how and why you teach the way you do. This workshop will introduce you to the docent and help you start you teaching statement drafts.

Creating Individual Development Plans
Octtober 1, 2024 | 12-1 pm | Zoom
Register here

This workshop will serve as an introduction to Individual Development Plans and how they can help you with your own goal setting and professional development. IDPs are also now required for NSF Grant application so this will become an much more prevalent part of graduate students’ lives.

Alternative Assessments
October 17, 2024 | 12-1 pm | Zoom
Register here

Instructors can use a variety of methods to assess their students’ learning. This workshop will help you think beyond the test or essay for way to assess your students learning. Methods will be discussed and demonstrated and you will have time to create one alternative assessment for the classes you teach.

All About Course Design
October 29, 2024 | 12-1 pm | Zoom
Register here

This workshop will help you understand the principles of course design. Participants will also be given resources to help them in designing their own courses in the future.

Surviving your Last Semester as a Doctoral Student
November 6, 2024 | 1-2:30 pm | Nebraska Union- Regency
Register here

Doctoral students in their final year of their program are invited to attend “Surviving Your Last Semester as a Graduate Student.” A review of the processes and timelines for successful completion of the degree from dissertation writing to final depositing of the completed document will be discussed.

*This program is most relevant to students who will be graduating May or August 2025.