The Graduate Report

Just because it's cold and snowy out doesn't mean there's nothing to do in town
Just because it's cold and snowy out doesn't mean there's nothing to do in town

Tips for Winters in Lincoln

Winter is in full swing in Nebraska. Here are some tips about how to adjust to the cold, ice, and snow and ideas for things to do around town. Continue reading…

Learn how to create the best poster you can during the Creating a Research Poster Workshop on Wednesday, February 6, 2019.
Learn how to create the best poster you can during the Creating a Research Poster Workshop on Wednesday, February 6, 2019.

Creating a Research Poster Workshop on Feb. 6

Presenting a research poster at a conference is a common occurrence for graduate students and undergraduate researchers, and this workshop will help you create the best poster you can. Continue reading…

Come learn how to design materials that engage students in active learning on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.
Come learn how to design materials that engage students in active learning on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.

Active Learning Workshop on Feb. 19

Active learning means designing materials that require students to be actively involved in class and engaging with the concepts in a meaningful way, and preparing these materials is vital to successful teaching. It’s not, however, an easy task. Continue reading…

Originally published January 30, 2019 - Submit an Item