Kicking off the Fall 2019 semester, the Office of Graduate Studies will host a series of events for new and returning graduate students starting Wednesday, August 21.
Kicking off the Fall 2019 semester, the Office of Graduate Studies will host a series of events for new and returning graduate students starting Wednesday, August 21. Take a look at the schedule and join in the welcome and festivities. Continue reading…
Join the Office of Graduate Studies staff in welcoming Kelsey Sims as the new Doctoral Programs Coordinator. Learn more about her from associate vice chancellor and dean of graduate education Dr. Tim Carr. Continue reading…
Doctoral students in candidacy who are planning on graduating in the next year are invited to attend a Graduation Information Session. Registration deadline is August 28th at noon. Continue reading…
Every semester, the Office of Graduate Studies offers professional development workshops for graduate students and postdocs. Take a look at the topics and dates then register to attend. Continue reading…
Students, faculty and staff at Nebraska can register to lead small group conversations during this fall's Husker Dialogues event. The event will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Sept. 5 in the Bob Devaney Sports Center. Continue reading…
Congratulations to Veronica Duran, a graduate student in the history department, who competed nationally for the Humanities Without Walls (HWW) Fellowship and attended the annual Humanities Without Walls Predoctoral Career Diversity Residential Summer Workshop in Chicago. Continue reading…
Join Nebraska faculty, staff and students for a free, five-week program to learn strategies for connecting research innovation with market applications. Continue reading…