TRANScend provides a safe space of transgender and non-binary students and allies. We provide social and educational opportunities to UNL students and the Lincoln community.
Weekly meetings are held Tuesdays at 7 pm, alternating between City and East Campus. Below is their meeting schedule for the rest of the semester:
10/24: Pride Flag Craft Night | Regency B, City Union
10/31: Scavenger Hunt | The Garden Room, NEU
11/07: Color Page Hangout | 226 Centennial, City Union
11/17: Movie Night | Hardin Auditorium
11/28: Trivia Night | Regency B, City Union
12/5: Dead Week Group Study Hour | The Garden Room, NEU
For all the latest news, follow TRANScend on Instagram @transcendunl
More details at: https://www.instagram.com/transcendunl/