Pride in Business aims to help LGBTQIA+ identifying/allied students become more
knowledgeable of businesses in Nebraska that are LGBTQIA+ owned/friendly. We hope that students will be inspired to support these businesses, connect with the LGBTQIA+ community in Lincoln, and find businesses where they know they will be accepted for who they are. Membership is free and open to all majors.
Upcoming meetings:
December 1 - Kelly and Associates, an LGBTQIA+ friendly therapy service provider, will be presenting
December 13 - Study night! Featuring pastries from Butterfly Bakery (a local LGBTQIA+ owned bakery)!
Meetings are typically held every other Wednesday from 6-7 pm in the College of Business, Room 102, called the Diversity and Inclusion Gathering Space (DIGS).
To stay connected with Pride in Business, follow them on Instagram, @unlprideinbiz or join their GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/70700759/Pdlidfw0
If you have any questions, you can email them, unlprideinbusiness@gmail.com