Kappa Delta Chi is a service-based sorority that focuses on bringing women together under the pillars of Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership. Through numerous service events, sisterhood retreats, and academic and cultural workshops, KDChis learn more about themselves, each other and their surrounding Universities and communities. They blossom into committed leaders, are able to network with our remarkable alumnae, and continue to serve as civic leaders well past their graduation. KDChi is a non-traditional sorority full of diverse members and eager women ready to make a difference in our communities. With sisters, anything is possible.
To stay connected with Kappa Delta Chi, follow them on Instagram, @unl_kdchi
If you have any questions, you can email them, gammazeta.recruitment@kappadeltachi.org
More details at: https://linktr.ee/gammazetakappadeltachi