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Women of Courage, Character, & Commitment Nomination Open - https://go.unl.edu/wcccnomination
Women of Courage, Character, & Commitment RSVP Form Open - https://go.unl.edu/wcccrsvp

For more information, visit: https://gsc.unl.edu/scholarships
Crompton / Diaz-Perdomo Scholarship | $3,000
- UNL undergraduate student
- Enrolled in LGBTQA+/Sexuality Studies minor, member of LGBTQA+ RSO, and/or involved at the Gender and Sexuality Center
- Cumulative 2.5 grade point average

Fredrickson-Formanek Scholarship | $2,000
- Incoming first year undergraduate students enrolled at UNL during the academic year that the scholarship is provided
- Champion or supporter of LGBTQA+ causes and/or rights
- Preference given to Nebraska high school graduates / those with financial need

Roland Leavitt & Shawn Leavitt Family Scholarship | $1,200
- UNL undergraduate student
- Be a non-traditional student (delayed enrollment or has primary focus outside school, such as work, parenting, etc) OR member of LGBTQA+ RSO, and/or involved at the Gender and Sexuality Center
- College of Business majors given preference