During the past 12 months, more than 30 projects in the fields of bioinformatics, biological and medical sciences have been deployed on OSG. After detailed review, BIOSG'17 accepted technical papers focusing on diverse bioinformatics/biomedical research conducted on OSG. Continue reading…
More details at: http://sbbi-panda.unl.edu/bibm2017/
HCC is hosting a Software Carpentry Workshop at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln on January 3-5. Learn how to use Bash, Git and R to manage and automate your research data analysis. This three-day workshop will feature two days of extended R overview including the R-core and popular packages. Continue reading…
More details at: https://unlhcc.github.io/2018-01-03-UNL/
Users who frequently access our documentation pages may have noticed something new - video tutorials. The videos were created by HCC's undergraduate student worker Caughlin Bohn and offer a visual walk-through of the content in our documentation. Check out the videos on our new YouTube channel too! Continue reading…
More details at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmyWy4J3SKFIdYKmliTqWrA
Save The Date: 2018 Supercomputing and Life Sciences Symposium
The 2018 Supercomputing and Life Sciences Symposium will be held on March 2nd, 2018. Internal and External speakers will present on the current state of computational research. Graduate students are invited to share their research in our evening reception and poster session. Watch for upcoming announcements for registrant and participation information!
More details at: https://hcc.unl.edu/SLS-Symposium-2018