Rural Futures Institute forums scheduled

The Rural Futures Institute planning team is conducting a series of forums across the state and on the NU campuses to discuss the concept of the RFI.

If you were unable to attend the campus forums, the team wants to make sure your thoughts and ideas are not missed.

To participate in shaping how the University of Nebraska continues its work to address the needs of rural Nebraska and the Great Plains region, note the schedule below for additional forums. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to before March 2, and indicate which location you will be attending.

Locations of the upcoming forums:

-- February 28- 2 to 3:30 p.m. CST.
1-800-910-2399, Code: 874758#
-- March 6 – Noon-1:30 PM CST- Beatrice
Location: Beatrice Chamber of Commerce conference room, 205 N. Fourth St.
-- March 8, Noon-1:30 pm CST - Columbus
Location: Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce conference room, 764 33rd Ave.
-- March 15, 3:30-5 p.m. CST – McCook
Location: Keystone Business Center 402 Norris Ave.
-- March 16, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. CST – Ord
Location: Ord Area Chamber of Commerce, 1514 K St.
-- March 16, 3:30-5 p.m. CST –Broken Bow
Location: Broken Bow Chamber of Commerce conference room, 444 S. Eighth Ave.
-- March 20, 1:30-3 p.m. MST- Scottsbluff
Location: Panhandle Research & Extension Center, 4502 Avenue I.
-- March 21, 7:30- 9 a.m. CST –Valentine
Location: Niobrara Lodge, 803 East Highway 20.

More details at: