The University of Nebraska-Lincoln and other land-grant universities across the nation are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act this year. UNL will be "Celebrating 150 years -- Growing a Healthy Future" with a week of activities Sept. 23-29.
The Morrill Act created land-grant universities, making education more affordable to all people, educating them in agriculture, home economics, mechanical arts and other professions practical at the time of its passage in 1862. The Morrill Act successfully opened higher education for Americans who previously could not afford to go to college, said Ronnie Green, Harlan vice chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
"We are excited to celebrate 150 years of growing a healthy future," said Green, who also is University of Nebraska vice president for agriculture and natural resources. "Nebraska should be proud of the advancements made in food, fuel, water and landscapes for the people of our great state and those around the world."
For details about the week's activities, see other stories in this edition of ThisWeek@IANR, or go to
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