Beef producers can attend any of 16 beef profitability workshops offered this winter through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Meals will be provided. The cost to attend is $20. Register by calling the local
extension office in the host county at least three days before the workshop.
The workshops are designed to help producers evaluate their operations and make them more profitable through the latest research information.
They are sponsored by UNL Extension.
Four of the following topics will be presented at each workshop:
– Harvesting crop residues-does it affect future crop yields?
– Balancing the ranch for protein
– Alternative forages for grazing- what works
– Fencing and watering options on crop residues
– Mineral nutrition
– Composting livestock carcasses
– Windrow grazing
– Forage testing and what the numbers mean
– EPDs and bull selection
– What the beef is all about
Dates, times, locations, contacts and speakers are:
– Jan. 28, Stanton, noon, fairgrounds office, Kim Bearnes, 402-439-2231, Larry Howard, Steve Niemeyer, Dennis Bauer
– Jan. 28, 6 p.m., Hartington, courthouse meeting room, Jackie Steffen, 402-254-6821, Larry Howard, Steve Niemeyer, Dennis Bauer
– Jan. 29, Center, noon, courthouse meeting room, Ruth Vonderohe, 402-288-5611, Dennis Bauer, Steve Niemeyer, Gary Stauffer
– Jan. 29, 6 p.m., Pierce, courthouse meeting room, Ann Fenton, 402-329-4821, Dennis Bauer, Steve Niemeyer, Gary Stauffer
– Jan. 31, 11 a.m., Leigh, Colfax County Fairgrounds, Aaron Nygren, 402-352-3821, Dennis Bauer, Larry Howard, Steve Pritchard
– Feb. 5, 9 a.m., Norfolk, Lifelong Learning Center, Dennis Bauer, 402-387-2213, the whole team
– Feb. 6, noon, Butte, courthouse, Gary Stauffer, 402-336-2760, Dennis Bauer, Gary Stauffer, Steve Niemeyer
– Feb 6, 6 p.m., O'Neill, extension office meeting room, Gary Stauffer, 402-336-2760, Dennis Bauer, Gary Stauffer, Steve Niemeyer
– Feb. 11, noon, Dakota City, USDA Service Area, 1505 Broadway, Keith Jarvi, 402-987-2140, Dennis Bauer, Gary Stauffer, Steve Niemeyer
– Feb. 11, 6 p.m., Pender, Firehall, Keith Jarvi, 402-987-2140, Dennis Bauer, Gary Stauffer, Steve Niemeyer
– Feb. 12, noon, Tekamah, First National Bank, northeast meeting room, John Wilson, 402-374-2929, Larry Howard, Gary Stauffer, Steve Pritchard
– Feb. 12, 6 p.m., West Point, Cuming County courthouse meeting room, Larry Howard, 402-372-6006, Gary Stauffer, Larry Howard, Steve Pritchard
– TBA, Boone-Nance, Steve Pritchard, 402-395-2158
– Feb 25, noon, Bartlett, Bibs and Boots restaurant, Steve Niemeyer, 308-346-4200, Larry Howard, Gary Stauffer, Steve Pritchard
– TBA, Central IV, Steve Niemeyer, 308-346-4200