Climate Masters of Nebraska, a program at UNL's School of Natural Resources, will offer its third course on climate change beginning Aug. 28. Course participants will learn ways in which to act locally to save money, protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
"When people hear about climate change, people think in terms of a global issue," said Tapan Pathak, UNL Extension educator in climate variability, who is a team member on the project. "People get overwhelmed, and they think, 'What can I do?' This is an action-based program to help people understand what they can do that's good for people and for the environment."
The project, funded by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, will teach 25 community volunteers various ways that they as individuals can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In exchange for the free course, volunteers must commit to providing 30 hours of education to others in the community. Cleaner Greener Lincoln, the mayor's sustainability initiative, is a project partner.
The 10-week Climate Masters course will begin Aug. 28 and meet every Thursday evening from 6-8:30 p.m.
"The course will include field trips, expert speakers and a variety of volunteer activities," said Tonya Bernadt, Climate Masters project coordinator.
Although NDEQ funded this course, but Bernadt said she is hopeful that they will receive more grant funding to continue the course and offer it in different parts of Nebraska.
Classes will focus on the basics of climate change, communicating climate change, home energy, renewables, yards, consumption and waste, food, water conservation, preparing for climate change and more.
"Anybody can come," said Natalie Umphlett, regional climatologist for the High Plains Regional Climate Center. "You don't have to have a science background."
Umphlett also said that even if people don't accept that greenhouse gases are contributing to global warming, the recommended actions will save people money, help the environment, and lead to healthier eating.
For more information and registration, please visit the Climate Masters website: http://climateMasters.unl.edu or contact Natalie Umphlett at climatemasters@unl.edu.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/chu9