CASNR cited for Science Olympiad support

The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and its dean, Steve Waller, received the Catalyst Award from the Nebraska Association for Teachers of Science.

The award is given annually to an individual, group or organization that has singled itself out over time as key supporters of science education, science teachers and students studying science in Nebraska’s PK-12 schools.

CASNR and Waller earned the award this year as longtime supporters of the Nebraska Science Olympiad. The Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 science education, increasing male, female and minority interest in science, creating a technologically literate workforce and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers.

Over the last eight years, the award noted, “CASNR has tirelessly contributed energy, time, facilities and scholarships to support the Nebraska State Science Olympiad. “

Every spring about 400 middle level and high school students come to East Campus to compete to represent the state at the National Science Olympiad. CASNR will host the National Science Olympiad in 2015, bringing about 2,500 students to UNL.