Crop producers and agribusiness professionals will learn how to improve their profitability and manage challenging new pest issues during the 2012 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Crop Production Clinics.
The clinics will be offered at nine locations across Nebraska in January 2012. They will feature presentations from UNL Extension specialists and educators on soil fertility, soil water and irrigation management, crop production, ag business management and policy, pesticide safety, and disease, insect and weed pest management.
The clinics will be the primary venue for commercial and non-commercial pesticide applicators to renew their licenses in the categories of Ag Plant, Regulatory and Demonstrations/Research. Private pesticide applicator can be recertified by attending the clinics.
Certified Crop Advisors can earn continuing education units in the Integrated Pest Management (six CEU), Soil and Water (two CEU), Nutrient Management (one CEU) and Crop Production (three CEU). Attendees can earn a maximum of six CEU at a location.
For more information, including program topics tailored to meet the needs of cropping systems in different parts of the state, visit the Web at, contact a local UNL Extension office or call 402-472-2811 or 402-472-1632.
Registration is available online by visiting the website or is available at the door starting at 8 a.m. before each clinic, which start at 9 a.m. Cost is $60 for those recertifying as a commercial, non-commercial or private applicator or $50 for those not recertifying. The fee includes a noon meal, the 2012 Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska and the 2012 Crop Production Clinic Proceedings.
Dates and locations for the 2012 Crop Production Clinics are as follows:
Jan. 4, Classic's, Country Club in Beatrice
Jan. 5, The Auditorium in York
Jan. 6, Younes Conference Center in Kearney
Jan. 10, Adam's County Fairgrounds in Hastings
Jan. 11, West Central Research and Extension Center at North Platte
Jan. 12, Gering Civic Center in Gering
Jan. 17, Community Center in Ainsworth
Jan. 18, Lifelong Learning Center at the Northeast Research and Extension Center in Norfolk
Jan. 19, Midland University Event Center in Fremont.