¡Hablamos: Conversations on Teaching, Learning and Bilingualism: Dra. Aurora Chang

Dra. Aurora Chang
Dra. Aurora Chang

Last month, Dra. Aurora Chang spoke at UNL regarding her own experiences with undocumentation in a talk called, "Undocumented to Hyperdocumented." Hence, we had the opportunity to get to know her better and we took advantage to make a connection, so we could interview her for our podcast. Once an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala and raised in Richmond, California in a family of eight, Dra. Aurora Chang is now an Assistant Professor where she teaches coursework on multicultural education, school reform, undocumented students, Chicana Feminist Epistemology, and urban schooling.
To learn more about Dra. Aurora Chang, visit our podcast website for more details about this associate professor:

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If you have ideas or suggestions regarding our Podcast or would like to be part of a conversation on the podcast, please contact Araceli Lobato (araceli.ld@huskers.unl.edu)

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