Check out this week's roundup of fun and uplifting events around campus!
Destress Fest
Finals preparation week can be a stressful time for students, however, it’s important to take a break from a moment for self-care. Destress fest is a weeklong of opportunities to step away from studying for a moment to engage in fun activities from April 26 through April 29. Each day of the week is a fun activity for community building, relaxation, and lots of fun!
Join the OASIS Student Advisory Board as they host a range of exciting opportunities from an evening of arts and crafts to a blood pumping yoga class for all skill levels. Each day has an in person or virtual option to attend, except April 29, which is only virtual. Find more details below.
Monday, April 26: Arts and Crafts Night, 6:00pm, JGMC 212
Tuesday, April 27: Study Night, 6:00pm, JGMC 212
Wednesday, April 28: Game Night, 6:00pm, JGMC 212
Thursday, April 29: Yoga Night, 7:00pm, Virtual
Pop Up Well-being
Apr. 28, 2021, 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Nebraska East Union, Room: 2nd floor landing by elevator
Students can interact with well-being student leaders at our pop-ups at several locations on City Campus and East Campus to learn more about coaching, the 9 dimensions of well-being, self-care practices, and more. The stations will include fun prizes, including Big Red Resilience & Well-Being masks for students who engage in a physically-distanced mini coaching sessions to learn about well-being. Look for bright red well-being pop-up chairs in each location, designed for the mini coaching sessions! Hope to see you there soon! All of this brought to you by a grant from the National Association of Campus Auxiliaries!
When Appreciating Diversity is Not Enough
Apr. 28, 2021, 3:00pm - 4:15pm
Virtual via Zoom
The biggest barrier to equity and justice in many cases is not a lack of diversity and inclusion effort, but rather the tendency to mistake diversity and inclusion efforts with equity and justice commitments. In this session we will explore how to make sure we’re prioritizing real shifts over optics and impact over fluffiness in our equity, diversity, and inclusion commitments.
Join UPC Nebraska and the Global Nebraska Coalition on Diversity and Inclusion for this special presentation by Dr. Paul Gorski, founder of the Equity Literacy Institute. The event is also sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and Student Affairs.
Dr. Gorski has more than 20 years of experience helping educators, nonprofit workers, and others strengthen their equity efforts. He has published more than 70 articles and has written, co-written, or co-edited twelve books on various aspects of educational equity.
Open to the entire UNL community. Attendees MUST register in advance at:
A Conversation with Bill Nye
Apr. 28, 2021, 7:00pm
Lied Center Virtual Event
Bill Nye—scientist, engineer, comedian, author and inventor—is a man with a mission: to help foster a scientifically literate society and to help people everywhere understand and appreciate the science that makes our world work. Best known as Bill Nye the Science Guy, Bill’s wit and enthusiasm garnered 18 Emmy awards. Bill is also an author and frequent speaker on topics of global importance including climate change, evolution, population, space exploration, and STEM education. He is a steadfast champion of the unwavering value of critical thinking, science, and reason.
In this conversation with UNL hosts, Bill will address issues of sustainability, climate change, and how we can all be better stewards of this planet we call home. Through all of his work, Bill hopes to inspire people everywhere to change the world.
This is a FREE virtual event. Register at:
OASIS & NCPA Graduation Reception
Apr. 29, 2021, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Zoom Meeting
Join the Nebraska College Preparatory Academy and the Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services as we honor our graduating scholars and celebrate their accomplishments. Please join us via Zoom to celebrate our May graduates and listen to an excellent speaker, Dr. Lawrence Chatters, Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer at Midland University!
Free Skate Night
Hosted by Campus Recreation
Apr. 30, 2021, 8:00pm - 11:00pm
John Breslow Ice Hockey Center
UNL students can ice skate for free on select Fridays.
Free for UNL students with their NCard. Skate rental is available for $3 per pair. Due to Covid-19 protocols, no Guests will be allowed to participate.
Facial covering and physical distancing are required.
More details at: