Need International Student Volunteers to Participate in Oct. 27 Class

International Student Volunteers needed from SIX different countries for a conversation with student teams.
International Student Volunteers needed from SIX different countries for a conversation with student teams.

Dr. Mohamed Amar, who is teaching ENGR200, Professionalism, and Global Perspectives, is trying to find International Student Volunteers from SIX different countries for a conversation with student teams on Thursday, October 27, 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM in Nebraska Hall W183. The goal behind this is to understand and respect typical experiences (etiquette, culture, politics, economics, lifestyle) of a country’s residents and how to respectfully build relationships in that country. This will be a great opportunity for international students to talk about their cultures and etiquette from back home.

For participation and any further questions, please contact Dr. Mohamed Amar (