Rotary International Student Picnic

Rotary International Student Picnic
Rotary International Student Picnic

Join us for a warm and welcoming event as Rotary #14 proudly hosts a delightful picnic for international students in Lincoln. This special gathering is designed to foster goodwill and camaraderie between our local families and the vibrant student community.

As proud representatives of the Cornhusker State, the Rotary Club is excited to infuse a touch of tradition into the event with classic American picnic favorites, including our iconic corn-on-the-cob. Alongside scrumptious treats, there will be ample time for meaningful connections, lively fellowship, and engaging games. The collaborative efforts of various institutions ensure the seamless organization of this event, while members of Rotary #14 will extend their hospitality with thoughtful gift bags and exciting door prizes, all aimed at providing a warm Nebraska welcome.

For years, Rotary 14 has embraced the tradition of hosting a heartwarming picnic exclusively for international students within our collegiate community. This year's highly anticipated picnic is scheduled for Sunday, September 10, 2023, starting at 2:30 p.m. and will take place against the serene backdrop of Holmes Lake.

Save the date:
Date: September 10th, 2023
Time: 2:30 PM–5:00 PM
Location: Holmes Lake (Transportation will be provided, or you can join us at the venue).

To book your seat on the bus, sign the RSVP form:

Seating is limited!

For more information about the rotary picnic contact- Venn Jemkur @