Study Abroad Speed Dating
Are you looking to fall for your dream destination? Come and meet with peers who already feel in love with their country of study. Five minutes each and we guarantee you want to learn more… Continue reading…
Are you looking to fall for your dream destination? Come and meet with peers who already feel in love with their country of study. Five minutes each and we guarantee you want to learn more… Continue reading…
The application for the International Welcome team is now open until March 1. Students can find the application on Handshake or the New Student Enrollment website at Continue reading…
Hello Vietnam is an annual Vietnamese cultural show where students showcase various captivating performances throughout the night. It is an event and space for Vietnamese students to share their beautiful culture with the Lincoln and UNL community. Continue reading…
The Ross Media Arts Center and Vision Maker Media are proud to present a series of free screenings featuring short Native American films and tv programs from the VMM public broadcasting archives. Continue reading…
UNL faculty, staff, and graduate students serving on a search committee are required to attend an educational seminar covering legal issues and university policies and procedures prior to reviewing applications. Continue reading…
The University Career + Internships Fairs gives students the chance to connect with hundreds of local, national, and global employers to learn more about their available job and internship opportunities. Continue reading…
Join us for an evening of connection and celebration. Brown sugar is a unique speed dating event designed to bring together like-minded individuals in a warm and inviting atmosphere. Continue reading…
At this booth on the first floor of the Nebraska Union, engage with the GSC staff and participate in a fun activity focused on cultivating positive safer-sex conversations with your partner. Continue reading…
Take your workout into overdrive with this session focused on building strength and cardiovascular endurance. After a rewarding workout, you will be provided a sweet treat by the Nutrition Education Program. Attend this Cardio Sculpt & Sweets class to obtain a productive workout and a healthy snack. Continue reading…
Monday, February 12 2024 at 12:00 PM CST to Wednesday, February 14 2024 at 5:00 PM CST
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See the stars, planets, and moon on campus! Continue reading…
We want to hear from you about the challenges that affect your ability and confidence to cope with stressful situations and prevent you from managing your mental health. Continue reading…
Secure the Bag: Salary Negotiation Workshop Continue reading…
Stop by the DIGS space anytime from 8:00AM - 11:00AM on Monday, February 12th - Wednesday, February 14th and make someone’s day brighter with a sweet valentine! You can drop off your Valentine’s letter in the DIGS or leave it out for anyone to take. Supplies are limited - first-come, first-serve! Continue reading…
Students, the hunt is on! Ten stocking hats will be hidden across City and East Campuses on Wednesday, Feb. 14. Each stocking hat has a gift value assigned to it that you can designate to your favorite Glow Big Red cause. Continue reading…
The East Campus Dining staff is celebrating Fat Tuesday with a delicious lunch spread. Join us as we celebrate Mardi Gras in the dining center. Included with a meal plan, guest price without a meal plan. Continue reading…
Ditch the dating apps and be bold in 2024. Take a chance to organically discover new friends or possibly a date for Valentine’s Day. Think speed dating - with a twist. Continue reading…
Faculty, staff and students, join us for Valentine’s Day treats, games, enter to win door prizes and support Glow Big Red with a gift! Continue reading…
Join us for a steak dinner with all the fixin’s. Come to any of our dining centers and enjoy. Continue reading…
Join the Kawasaki Reading Room and the Residence Hall Association for bean-throwing and sushi-making to celebrate the Japanese holiday! Continue reading…
Show your student ID to get $1 tickets, popcorn, and drinks for all screenings of ALL OF US STRANGERS, ORIGIN, and THE TEACHER’S LOUNGE on Thursday, February 15. Continue reading…
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