Hello Vietnam is an annual Vietnamese cultural show where students showcase various captivating performances throughout the night. It is an event and space for Vietnamese students to share their beautiful culture with the Lincoln and UNL community. This year’s theme will highlight the Vietnamese youth’s appreciation for their parents & guardians. La Thu Gui Cha Me — meaning “Letters to our Parents” will showcase performances and skits that tell stories that students and youths want to tell their loved ones. Our Ticket RSVP Form can be found on our Instagram page! Dinner is included.
Doors Open: 5:30PM Dinner Served: 6:15PM Doors Close: 7:00PM https://www.instagram.com/hellovietnam_lnk/
Date: Feb. 17, 2024
Time: 5:30 pm–9:00 pm
Courtside Banquet Hall
Contact: Vietnamese Student Association, vsaUNL@unl.edu