Multicultural Festival-Food Truck Frenzy

 Multicultural Festival-Food Truck Frenzy
Multicultural Festival-Food Truck Frenzy

Want to grab a quick bite of another cultural cuisine while learning more about diversity on campus? Join UPC Nebraska and multicultural student organizations on the Nebraska Union Plaza for the Multicultural Festival-Food Truck Frenzy event! This event is the kick-off to the Multicultural Festival that will occur from Monday, April 29th, 2024 to Wednesday, May 1st, 2024.

This event will provide a ONE FREE MEAL to UNL Students, Faculty, and Staff ONLY with an Event Pass.

The following multicultural clubs will be sharing a piece of their culture at a booth on the plaza:

- Afrikan Peoples Union (APU)
- Brazilian Student Association (BRASA)
- Asian Student Union (ASU)
- Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
- Vietnamese Student Association (VSA)
- Colombian Student Association

More details at: