Discover what makes Husker Pantry a phenomenal resource for UNL students. The HP team will tour attendees through the pantry’s City Campus location; answer questions about placing orders; and give details about volunteering or hosting food drives to benefit the pantry.
This is a casual drop-in visit activity.
Unable to come this date? This event repeats biweekly at 12 p.m. Tuesdays until May 7, 2024.
• Student in need of pantry services and desire help to navigate the online ordering & pickups.
• Students interested in volunteering at one of the pantry’s two locations.
• Staff, faculty, and students curious about the pantry. You may know about the pantry, yet never had a chance for an in-person visit. A perfect chance to learn more and become an advocate.
Nearly 1 in 3 UNL students worry about not having enough food until they get money to buy more. The pantry helps address students’ food insecurities in a friendly and welcoming space.
By providing free food and personal items to students enrolled at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, we reduce the stigma around food insecurity, increase access and educate the campus community.
More details at: