Four College of Journalism and Mass Communications students recently received college division awards at the 2019 Nebraska Broadcasters Association (NBA) Pinnacle Awards.
Any students who are enrolled in relevant coursework and major at state colleges and universities that are NBA members are eligible to submit work to be considered for a Pinnacle Award. This year, four students from the CoJMC were honored at the annual NBA banquet Aug. 14.
Colton Stone, a senior broadcasting major, received an award for his work with Jake Larsen in the College Radio - Promotional Announcement category. The pair received the award for their KRNU Specialty Show called “Chasing History.”
Santiago Pardo, a 2018 broadcasting alum, won the Best PSA award in the College TV category. His project focused on “Husker Safe Walk,” a program allowing students on campus to request a free walking escort service if they feel unsafe walking alone.
Aaron Housenga, a junior broadcasting and sports media and communication double-major, also received the Best News Story award in the College TV category. His project focused on flood recovery in Nebraska.
Jake Bartecki, a junior broadcasting and sports media and communication double-major, received the award for Best Sports Story in the College Radio category. His work included a 2018 Nebraska vs. Colorado football preview.
This year marked the 61st annual NBA Pinnacle Awards competition. The competition was established in 1958 to recognize and encourage NBA member stations to achieve excellence in programming, news and community service. The college division was added several years later, and the high school division was added in 2016.