Career Services Tip of the Week

CoJMC Career Services Tip of the Week
CoJMC Career Services Tip of the Week

If you are feeling concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on your internship or job, know that you're not alone. Each week CoJMC Career Development Specialist Kris Scanlon will be sharing tips on how to network, continue your job search and more!

This week's tip especially goes out to the class of 2020 who will be graduating next week. Make sure you're staying in touch with the people you've had interviews with.

It's important to be patient but also don’t be afraid to follow-up during an on-hold or active interview process.

Even if your internship was canceled or an offer was rescinded, you can stay in contact with that company – the person you had been communicating with.

Do NOT burn bridges. Show employers that you’re ready and excited to move forward.

Want to talk internships, jobs or personal development? Schedule a virtual appointment with CoJMC's Career Specialist, Kris Scanlon: