The Associated Press (AP) Elections Division is looking for election night stringers to gather and call in results from county elections offices in four (4) upcoming primaries.
Stringers must have mobile (smart) phone for calls and texts. Must have transportation to the county tabulation site. Must be able to receive email attachments and print pdf forms. Pay is by direct deposit, so stringer must submit W9 and Direct Deposit information to the AP. Must be able to remain at tabulation site late into the evening/past midnight until votes are tabulated or county ceases for the night.
The AP Elections Division employs more than 5,000 people on election day to count the votes. In 2018, we called over 7,000 contested races with 99.9% accuracy. We have been counting votes and declaring winners since 1848.
* Pay is approximately $18 per hour but varies by assignment. Application deadline is May 31, 2020.
To apply or if you have questions, contact the following person, depending on the state you are interested in:
> June 2nd in Indiana - Jim Isaacs:
> June 2nd in Iowa - Danielle Baase: - looking for stringers in Union County
> June 9th in North Dakota - Lisa Marcoux: – looking for stringers in Nelson and Sioux counties
> June 23rd in New York - Morgan Peck: