Student Lauren Tritch used unknowns of the pandemic as an opportunity to grow

Lauren Tritch
Lauren Tritch

In March 2020 senior advertising and public relations major Lauren Tritch was in Dublin, Ireland studying abroad for the spring semester of her junior year.

When she got the news her program would be cut short and that she’d be going back home to Minnesota, she went through a series of different emotions.

Tritch relayed that being in Europe helped her see the firsthand effect of the pandemic before the severity of the situation hit the United States. For example, her friends studying in Italy had to quickly evacuate and some even ended up in Ireland before going back to the U.S.

“It hit me that this was not something that would just go away,” Tritch said. “This was something that was unprecedented so I needed to adapt, and I think knowing that from the start helped me shift my mindset before I even got back home.”

Read the full story here: