Work on new UNL student magazine "Quaranzine"

Work on new UNL student magazine "Quaranzine"
Work on new UNL student magazine "Quaranzine"

Students Emma Kopplin and Asa DeWitt received a grant to put together a magazine entitled "Quaranzine". Their goal is to observe and record the stories that are occurring right now in university communities through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This will be a printed and web-published anthropological investigation of the impact of COVID-19 on UNL's culture.

They are looking for student volunteer anthropologists, graphic designers, writers, artists, and anyone interested in storytelling and the magazine making processes. This is an opportunity to advance your skills and experience in your field of interest.

They would like to have a core team of dedicated members, but other methods of support would be appreciated. One way to get involved is to send in story ideas!

This experience will be similar to a project-oriented club, with both web and print final products.

Email Emma Koplin ( or Asa DeWitt ( if you are interested or have any questions.