TFAS Summer 2021 Journalism + Communication Academic Internship Program

The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) hosts virtual and in-person academic internship programs for students each summer. TFAS students leave Washington with 250+ hours of professional experience, an expanded network of contacts, and a greater understanding of the variety of career opportunities.

You can practice journalism or communications anywhere, but spending a summer in the Nation’s Capital, covering issues of national and international importance is like no other experience.

This TFAS program track is ideal for students who are passionate about getting the story straight while, learning the ins and outs of the news or communications business. You will gain the professional experience needed to break into these competitive fields.

What Makes this Program Track Unique?
> An internship placement in the field of journalism, communications or public relations (newspaper, magazine, radio, news service, corporate or nonprofit communications office, PR firm)
> Coursework in economics for journalists designed to complement your real-word experience
> Guest lectures featuring prominent reporters, editors and communications professionals
> Networking through career-focused panels and small group discussions led by professionals working for NPR, POLITICO, C-SPAN, National Geographic, Congressional communications directors and many more.

It’s much more than just coursework and an internship placement. The contacts you’ll make throughout the summer will be invaluable in finding that first job out of college.

In summer 2021, TFAS is planning for in-person and virtual programs. No matter the format, students will have a engaging experience – growing academically and expanding their professional skills and network of contacts.