Company name: Gering Citizen
Company website: http://www.geringcitizen.com
Company description or mission: A weekly broadsheet newspaper in western
Type of position: Job opportunity
Compensation: Paid
Hours: Full time
Category: News-Editorial
Position title: Reporter
Position description:
Gering Citizen is a weekly print publication in western Nebraska with an
average circulation of 1,400 and a solid Internet presence. The Citizen has
been recognized by the Nebraska State Press Association with awards for
General Excellence, Best Editorial, Best Editorial Page, Community
Interaction and Youth Coverage, among others, in the annual Better Newspaper
This position includes covering breaking news and other stories as assigned,
which may include some sports, as well as assisting with the editing of copy
and pages generated by our newsroom staff. A typical day would start at 9
a.m. and consist mostly of reporting and writing, then transitioning to
copyediting on production days. The typical workweek is Monday through
Friday, to include occasional later-night duty and weekends as the news
Good communication with the editor and members of the community, and solid
standards of quality will be vitally important.
Ideally, the successful candidate will be the kind of person who has a nose
for news, and feels a spirit of excitement about pursuing it with excellence.
Required experience:
Additional Requirements and General Information (education, skills,
Job location: Gering, Nebraska
Salary: Negotiable
Date posted: May 7, 2013
Application deadline: June 30, 2013
Application instructions: To apply, send a cover letter, resume and work
samples to editor@geringcitizen.com. No phone calls please.