ADVT/BRDC 491/891
Special Topics: Developing Viral Videos
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., ANDN 335
The is a hands-on, real-world experience via a case study that requires developing advertising, possibly with additional online messaging, for Craftsman tools.
We want students who are creative, focused, dedicated and who have a strong interest in and/or experience with video for a 3 credit class this fall. The pre-req is ADVT 357 OR BRDC 359.
Department consent is required to check for the pre-req, so see Ruth Brown (room 332) if interested.
Craftsman targets men ages 16-34, particularly those under age 20. Because the target audience doesn't consider Sears a shopping destination, Craftsman attracts them with "torture test" videos online that show the tools' durability and "music" videos online that have custs of various tols making "music" through hard use. To see the videos, google Craftsman Labs.