We need your help - study abroad survey

Education Abroad at UNL
Education Abroad at UNL

It's not too late to win a $50 VISA card in the drawing. Please fill out survey as soon as possible. Your opinions are important to us.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has taken steps to strengthen study abroad participation in the past several years. The CoJMC wants to know if you have studied abroad and why. Or if you haven’t participated, what are the reasons you have not made a place for studying abroad in your academic plan or major. Please fill out this short survey by March 21, along with your name and email, and we’ll put your name into a drawing for a $50 gift VISA or MasterCard. Thank you for your time.

LINK: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CoJMC-study-abroad

More details at: http://go.unl.edu/9un5