Freelance writing opportunity

Student Health 101 is looking for freelance student journalists and authors to write features and shorts on health issues that are of concern to students. Mainly, we're looking for writers with excellent reporting skills who can work under a deadline. Writers are hired on a freelance basis and paid a fee per article, based on article length and difficulty of the subject matter. Feature stories are 1,250 to 1,500 words, while short features are 300 to 600 words.

Student Health 101 is primarily a student-written publication, as a way to help students better manage the pressures they're under, from managing stress to money to eating well at university and much more. Currently, Student Health 101 is published each month to more than 1,000,000 students in Canada and the United States, at 500 different colleges and universities.

In case you haven't seen Student Health 101 before, an example is online at,

If interested please apply online at