2016 Summer Internship, The Boston Globe

The Boston Globe summer intern program began more than 50 years ago as an opportunity for college students interested in journalism to gain practical experience on a major news organization.

The largest group of interns works in Metro as general assignment reporters. Other intern reporters are assigned to Sports, Living/Arts, Health/Science and Business. We also have intern positions in the Photography and Editorial Design departments, and on the News copy desk. The copy editing position may be filled by a Newspaper Fund* intern. Internships are NOT limited to students with journalism majors. ELIGIBLE: All students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program or who will be graduating in May or June 2016 may apply, as well as journalism graduate school students who have NOT had professional journalism experience.

An aptitude for newspaper work is the most important qualification for the internship. However, a previous internship is recommended. Applicants must have a driver’s license and should be comfortable driving.

Summer interns work as full-time employees for 12 weeks, between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Interns are paid a weekly wage, and shifts vary. There is a writing coach who works exclusively with the interns, weekly critique sessions for the reporting interns, and there are weekly meetings with editors and staff members on a range of issues and topics pertaining to journalism.

Application forms can be obtained from: Paula Bouknight, Assistant Managing Editor/Hiring, The Boston Globe, P.O. Box 55819, Boston, MA 02205-5819 (617-929-3120), or downloaded from our website: bostonglobe.com/newsintern.


*For information on the Newspaper Fund program go to djnewspaperfund.dowjones.com.

Material will not be returned. Finalists may be asked to come to the Globe for an interview.