Journalism workshop Sept. 24, including session on how to become a digital journalist


You’ve read his books. (OK, at least skimmed them).

You swiped his designs.

Now, come and meet Tim Harrower in the flesh.

Harrower is the award-winning editor, designer, columnist and textbook author of "The Newspaper Designer's Handbook" and "Inside Reporting."

He will present his "Futurizing the News" workshop from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 at Doane College. (That’s an away game for the Huskers - Wyoming.)

So you have no excuses not to attend. While Harrower's presentation is geared toward print, his workshop will include a session titled "Everything you need to know to become a digital journalist." If you're interested in journalism, in any form, this is the workshop to attend.

It's cheap thanks to the workshop sponsors, the Nebraska Collegiate Media Association and Doane College. And it’s a short drive to Crete.

Students from NCMA-member schools need to present student IDs at the door. Lunch is only $10 (otherwise cost is $25/person and that includes cost of lunch). Go the main office in room 147 to check out the four-page brochure for more information about the workshop and how to register.

Seating is limited to 75 people and everyone must register.

The contact person for this workshop is David Swartzlander ( . You’ll find his blog at and his Twitter handle is @dswartzlander