Register for the Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska Annual Meeting

Register for the Academic Freedom Coalition of Nebraska Annual Meeting on from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22 at the University of Nebraska at Omaha Milo Bail Student Center, with a keynote address from Michael Kennedy, executive director of the Nebraska Collegiate Media Association.

The "fourth estate," that historical watchdog over our three branches of government, now finds itself under siege, challenged by reduced budgets, an explosion of social media competition, splintered tribes of

ideology among citizens, and a corporate focus on ratings over substance.

In such trying times it is vital to protect the future of the free press in America, beginning with protecting the academic freedom ofjournalism students and their advisers to incorporate the fundamentals ofethical, professionaljournalism into student publications and productions.

Learn what the present student journalism climate looks like in Nebraska, with an action plan for statutory free press protections. Join us for discussion, networking, legislative update on academic freedom issues, and a strategy session for next steps.

Registration is $10 for students and includes lunch and refreshments
For more information and to register, contact Joe Starita at at the CoJMC or at the Coalition.