Company name:
Job type:
Internship, Part Time, Paid
News Intern (Interactive/Web)
Internship oriented toward interactive, web and mobile journalism. The intern will interact with NET News reporters and producers, and receive instruction on broadcast and interactive journalism best practices and hands-on training on producing stories for multiple platforms. Interns will cultivate and pitch storylines, and provide research assistance to staff and reporters.
Additional Requirements:
Must be a junior or senior in good academic standing and have completed at least two journalism courses.
Interns will be expected to stay abreast of current events and to digest NET News and Radio on TV, on air, and online. At least one radio, television, or interactive news story- to be evaluated by news personnel for possible use on NET Television, radio, or its website- is also expected.
Lincoln, NE
Salary: 10-15 hours per week @ $7.50/hr.
September 22, 2011
How to Apply:
Those interested in an NET Internship should email a resume, cover letter, and faculty reference letter (with attention to Emily Ceru, Intern Coordinator)- to eceru2@unlnotes.unl.edu with "NET Internship" in the subject line.
In the body of the email, please include the following information:
• Name
• Campus Address
• E-mail
• Phone/Cell Phone
• College & Major
• Internship(s) for which you are applying
• Brief description (roughly ½ page) of your professional goals, and how an internship with NET in your area of interest would help you achieve those goals
Emily Ceru
(402) 472-9333 ext 223