NYC Media Tour Information

The countdown to the NYC Media Tour is on…23 days and counting!! There is still time to sign up and join us in NYC.

Cost: $50 (fees and insurance)
-Deposit is nonrefundable, so once you pay you’re committed to going on the trip.
-You are responsible for your airfare and lodging.
-When you pay your deposit you will fill out an insurance form.

***You may sign up for tours AFTER you pay your deposit***

Link to tour itinerary:

To stay in the loop of all things NYC Media Tour, please fill out the contact form.

Link to form:

Deposit ($50) DUE 10-28-16
Tour sign up ENDS 10-28-16

Please see Nicole Blackstock (147 Andersen) to make your deposit and to sign up for tours.

Contact Courtney Pearson (107 Andersen) if you have any questions at