Public relations skills class offered Spring 2017

If one of your goals is to use your education to find a rewarding public relations position with potential for career and salary advancement, consider enrolling in Financial Communications (JOMC 491/891) for Spring 2017, an online asynchronous course delivered as an immersive 8-week experience from March 6 to May 5.

This class will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed play an important role at any company, nonprofit or organization, in communicating their financial information to stakeholders. You’ll be prepared to write annual reports, communicate with investors, develop stories for the media and other responsibilities that require an understanding of financial basics combined with polished writing skills.

A three-credit class, the course will be offered entirely online asynchronously in just eight weeks and will culminate in an optional trip to Seattle to attend a conference for the Society of American Business Editors and Writers, networking with top corporate executives and journalists from the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, the New York Times, Reuters and more.

For information, contact Associate Professor Joseph Weber at