UNL PRSSA Bateman team named national finalist

by Karley Powell, senior ADPR student

The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) named the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's College of Journalism and Mass Communications team as a top-three finalist in its 2017 Bateman Case Study Competition. The team will present its campaign “Redirect the Conversation” to its client The Campaign to Change Direction on May 10 in Chicago.

UNL placed in the top three out of 67 submissions in the competition. The teams will be ranked from first to third place after their presentations in Chicago.

Redirect the Conversation was a campaign in conjunction with The Campaign to Change Direction. The campaign aimed to raise awareness on UNL’s campus about how students think and talk about mental health.

The team implemented the campaign starting in February and finished it in March. Team members include Erin Lenz, Cassie McCormick, Bari Pearlman, Karley Powell and Elizabeth Snyder, and their advisers Phyllis Larsen and Sheri Sallee.

“It was great seeing that our campaign made a difference on campus by starting conversations about mental health and assuring that the conversation would continue after the completion of the campaign,” said Snyder, community relations coordinator for the campaign. “Making the top three was a great conclusion to the impact we had already made.”

The PRSSA Bateman Competition, sponsored by Edelman and The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations, is a national case study competition for public relations students. Students are given a project brief and asked to come up with a campaign that they research, implement and evaluate.