UNL PRSSA Bateman team competes in Chicago

UNL PRSSA Bateman team
UNL PRSSA Bateman team

UNL’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) Bateman team is competing in the 2017 Bateman Case Study Competition tomorrow in Chicago. The team is presenting their campaign “Redirect the Conversation” to the client, The Campaign to Change Direction. The team placed in the top three out of 67 submissions in the competition.

Redirect the Conversation is a campaign created by the team to raise awareness on UNL’s campus about how students think and talk about mental health.

The team implemented the campaign starting in February and finished it in March. Team members include Erin Lenz, Cassie McCormick, Bari Pearlman, Karley Powell and Elizabeth Snyder, and their advisers Phyllis Larsen and Sheri Sallee.