Applications for the Multicultural Advertising Intern Program (MAIP) open on Monday, Sept. 11. MAIP allows students to work at prestigious advertising agencies on various accounts, interact with advertising professionals on a day-to-day basis, and gain valuable professional credentials. Applications are due by Oct. 13.
Students selected for the annual 22 week fellowship program (12 weeks of virtual online training and a 10 week agency internship experience) will hone their skills in account management, art direction, community management, copywriting and more! For a full list and instructions on how to apply, visit
To be eligible to apply for a MAIP, a student must be:
-Asian/Asian-American, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Black/African-American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Multiracial or Multiethnic (e.g./ Hispanic and Black)
-A citizen or permanent resident of the United States (visas are not accepted)
-Currently a college junior, senior, or graduate student at any accredited, degree-granting college or university, or a student attending a participating 4A’s portfolio school (including Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 graduates)
-Maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0.
College juniors, seniors or second-year graduate or portfolio school students must meet the GPA requirement at the time the application is submitted. First-semester graduate students or transfer students must meet the GPA requirement with their Fall semester grades. Proof of GPA must be submitted via an official college transcript upon request.
-Able to show your passion to kick start a career in advertising through your essays.
-Available for the full fellowship period (June 4, 2018 - August 3, 2018)