ACES meeting Friday, Nov. 4 at 3:30 p.m.


Get the skinny on editing jobs from a recent grad

Interested in editing but not at a newspaper? Join ACES at 3:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 4, for a chat with Natasha Richardson.
Natasha is a recent CoJMC grad who has been working as an editor for, an online textbook publishing company in Lincoln.

She also worked as a copy editor in a more traditional role as an intern at The Seattle Times. And she did an internship with Paste Magazine.

Looking for advice on your career? Want to know how to get a job or an internship? Wondering what life in the real world is really like after you graduate? Natasha can answer those questions and more.

Note: We're meeting in Room 335, Andersen Hall, this time.