Freelance Writers - The Contemporary

The Contemporary is looking for student journalists to investigate pressing issues in a long-form format. We publish outstanding journalistic pieces that are well reported, creative, and concise. We seek writers with interests in a variety of public affairs topics to pitch their story ideas to our editorial team. The ideal article combines strong reporting on a local issue that may also be important on the national level. Although it should be timely, the story should also have a perspective focused on broader themes and trends. Such articles can take many forms; our editorial team is open to any and all ideas submitted by student journalists. However, we are most interested in creative journalistic reports or opinion pieces that break news.

The Contemporary is a public affairs community that unifies the voices of undergraduate thought leaders. Our goal is to foster political engagement among millennials and create a sustainable media infrastructure to support it. We hope to empower collegiate journalists to report on the intersection between important local and national issues near and on campus. To continue our progress toward this goal, we plan to compensate student journalists at a base rate of $60 per article with bonuses for every 100 views on our website.

To implement our vision, we have competed for, and won $5,000 in venture funding from the Stumberg Entrepreneurship competition. We have also partnered with Trinity University to fund-raise an additional $5,000 in a crowdfunding campaign last year. Our team has collaborated with over 20 universities and publications to present unique insights to readers. Additionally, we have secured support from our board members in San Antonio who are leaders in journalism, web development, and law. To learn more about The Contemporary, please visit our website

To fill out a story pitch, visit