Conservation Storytelling Workshop
ALEC 397 Section 691, Special Topics - Conservation Storytelling
Location: UNL Cedar Point Biological Research Station, Ogallala, Nebraska
Dates: July 15-21st, 2018
Credits: 2 or 3
Course Summary:
Fact-based storytelling and science communication skills in conservation-related fields are critical tools in the 21st century. This intensive weeklong workshop will help you improve your digital photography skills, explore new camera technologies, and teach you how to plan, shoot, and complete a story connected to the land that utilizes the sprawling natural landscape at Cedar Point in western Nebraska near Lake McConaughy. During this course, you will have the opportunity to work in teams or individually to create a robust, complete story that will be used to build your portfolio. The final day of the course, you will share your project with the rest of the class.
Platte Basin Timelapse (PBT) co-founders Michael Farrell and Mike Forsberg, a veteran documentary filmmaker and National Geographic contributing conservation photographer, respectively, with technical assistance from PBT producer Mariah Lundgren.
Course Objectives:
• Build a solid foundation in writing, editing, and shooting a story
• Learn various ways of presenting a story and scientific research
• Learn video editing with Premiere Pro
• Gain understanding of the power of combining art with science
• Explore the unique biodiversity of western Nebraska
• ALEC 397/NRES 496 or comparable coursework in journalism or personal experience
• Interview and portfolio review with instructors is required prior to enrollment
• Ability to spend long hours outdoors, and hike moderate distances over uneven terrain
• Basic competency in digital photography and Adobe Suite software
Student Required Gear:
DSLR camera, lens, tripod and laptop with the Adobe Creative Suite
Provided Gear:
Trail camera, GoPro, limited number of DSLR cameras
For more information, contact:
Mariah Lundgren,,(402)215-5648
Mike Farrell,, (402)429-3684
Mike Forsberg,, (402)525-1449