The CoJMC is going through some exciting building changes to classrooms, the equipment checkout room and more! The following changes will be implemented soon:
-New computers for the Newsroom and Room 29 have been ordered and will be installed soon.
-The CoJMC has a new audiobooth! The Soundbooth is a small sound proof enclosure for informal audio projects. Located in the back of the NewsRoom, it is approximately 7’ high, 6’ long and 4’ wide, and has an acoustic foam interior, wood door along with a locking handle on the door. The booth will be available 24/7 for student use. Information on how to reserve the Soundbooth will be made available to all CoJMC students.
-The college is converting Room 313 into a simple photo and video interview space for our students. The room will be outfitted with a simple backdrop, computer and audio mixer. A touch screen room reservation system will allow students to book the room for the photography and interview needs. Students will be expected to obtain cameras and video cameras from the CoJMC checkout room.
- In addition, the CoJMC will be undertaking several small projects including updating our equipment inventory, discarding old and broken equipment and clearing out spaces within the building.
Stay tuned for more updates!