Thursdays are the best days because that’s when Ad Club happens at 5 p.m. in Andersen 15. Today is extra special because we’ve got 5 V.I.P. guests coming to sit on the See Your Future panel to talk about their experiences in their capstone classes.
As an ADPR major you have the opportunity to apply for National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC), Jacht Ad Lab or Bateman (the PR competition team) and count any of them as your capstone course (or an elective!). We’ve got people coming in from each to talk about what each one is and what they got out of their experiences. You can ask as many questions as you want, they definitely won’t get annoyed, so come with lots.
You might be thinking: I am stressed enough already, please don’t make me think about next semester or my capstone already. To that we say: Same. But you can apply to any of these as a sophomore or older and the applications are open RIGHT NOW. Or if you’re a freshman, you can figure out which one sounds right for you and then set your sights high and plan ahead for when it’s your turn to crush it.
We hope to see you there tonight!