Special Topic Classes Offered Summer, Fall 2019

Summer 2019: Registration opened March 4, 2019.

Visual Storytelling and Content Creation
ADPR 891.201| online | 8-week session | Alan Eno

“Video is an integral part of modern storytelling. This class will focus its attention on the strategy of visual storytelling; exploring the story itself, creativity, and production value from a hardware agnostic perspective.
Some of the questions we will explore include; how does one tell a compelling, engaging, and good-looking story regardless of whether they use an iPhone and Adobe Clip or a JVC 600 and Premiere? What strategies need to be involved to plan and execute a quality product with consumer level hardware? What tools and tricks are useful when it comes to making your content look professional?”

Fall 2019: Registration opens March 25, 2019.

Data Storytelling
JOMC 491/891.953 | online | mini session, Oct. 21 - Dec.13 | Olga Pierce

“Every day, more of our lives are being stored in a database somewhere. With that explosion of data, storytellers now more than ever need the skills to analyze and understand data to then produce the stories hidden in the information. In this class, we’ll use brainpower and software to look at raw data, not summarized and already reported information, to tell stories for a variety of audiences. We’re going to get our hands dirty with code, data, basic stats and the thinking that goes with it.”